Eyelid Dermatitis

Eyelid dermatitis is a general term describing several inflammatory skin conditions involving the eyelids (such as xeroderma [dry skin], eczema, atopic dermatitis, allergic or irritant contact dermatitis, among others).

The diagnosis implies that there is inflammation of the skin but no infection. Sometimes, a specific cause can be identified (such as a particular soap, shampoo, moisturizer, topical antibiotic [such as Neosporin], eye medication, nail polish, makeup, air born irritant, etc.). Other times it may be related to environmental factors or an underlying tendency for such a skin condition.

The symptoms are typically redness, swelling, and itching, and the skin appears scaly and red. It may affect one or all four eyelids. The inflamed skin can be prone to a secondary infection requiring treatment with antibiotics. However, the primary treatment for the inflamed skin is moisturizing and/or anti-inflammatory (such as corticosteroid) creams.

Left eyelid dermatitis secondary to Neosporin


Bilateral eyelid dermatitis secondary to glaucoma medication


Left eyelid dermatitis secondary to eczema before and after treatment


Bilateral eyelid dermatitis secondary to atopic dermatitis before and after treatment